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Publications - Synthesis Center


The Wyss Academy supported a recent SCNAT project

Meeting climate targets is as important as never before. For the energy transition to succeed, the expansion of renewable energies must proceed as quickly as possible. This must be done in a way that is accepted by local populations – and it must not create additional problems for nature (e.g., by taking away the necessary land from endangered local plant and animal species).

How can this be done?

The Wyss Academy has supported a recent SCNAT project that intends to support integrated, national spatial planning of renewable energy plants outside building zones with the best possible consideration of biodiversity and landscape objectives. It provides national planning foundations based on scientific facts and expert knowledge by defining criteria for the identification of priority areas where renewable energy infrastructure could be planned with the least possible impact for biodiversity and landscape quality. We co-financed the project and participated in the process leading to the report, which addresses a central Wyss Academy concern: How to achieve a just and mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature. While the catalogue of criteria is designed to support planning within Switzerland and is primarily aimed at the cantons, people in other geographic regions may find it useful.


The Wyss Academy supported a recent SCNAT project

Meeting climate targets is as important as never before. For the energy transition to succeed, the expansion of renewable energies must proceed as quickly as possible. This must be done in a way that is accepted by local populations – and it must not create additional problems for nature (e.g., by taking away the necessary land from endangered local plant and animal species).

How can this be done?

The Wyss Academy has supported a recent SCNAT project that intends to support integrated, national spatial planning of renewable energy plants outside building zones with the best possible consideration of biodiversity and landscape objectives. It provides national planning foundations based on scientific facts and expert knowledge by defining criteria for the identification of priority areas where renewable energy infrastructure could be planned with the least possible impact for biodiversity and landscape quality. We co-financed the project and participated in the process leading to the report, which addresses a central Wyss Academy concern: How to achieve a just and mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature. While the catalogue of criteria is designed to support planning within Switzerland and is primarily aimed at the cantons, people in other geographic regions may find it useful.

The SCNAT Report on Planning the Expansion of Renewable Energies in a Manner Compatible with Biodiversity and the Landscape is available in French and German.

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