HUB BERN | Project AUE-1
Our goal:
The region Oberland East aims to become climate neutral. With its global standing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it seeks to set a good example and make a significant contribution to the transformation process towards sustainable tourism. The goal is to show that it is possible to use and protect nature simultaneously.
In a nutshell:
Regions in the Alps are disproportionately affected by climate change. At the same time, they also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore, bear a special responsibility. The Oberland East region has the best conditions for setting a good example. Until now, there has been no initiative that served to define the overall objectives and roles of different actors in the process, as well as to address remaining knowledge gaps. Â
 The project aims to show how such a transformation process can be shaped. In addition, concrete innovations aimed at achieving a climate-neutral society will be promoted. Â
In a first scientific sub-project, various regional stakeholders have developed a joint vision of a climate-neutral region, defined development paths for various sub-areas and developed initial concrete project ideas. The entire process and the results were documented in a brochure and a detailed final report (both made available in German) in order to make the gained insights and learnings available to other regions.Â
 As a concrete result of the visioning process, the Regional Conference Oberland East has created a coaching position for climate protection projects. This climate coach acts as a central point of contact for climate related concerns from within the region, supports the implementation of climate protection projects and launches new initiatives. Various events are also held to motivate and bring together diverse stakeholders.Â
Additional information:Â
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In collaboration with:
Office for Environment and Energy of the Canton of Bern
Implementation partners:
Regionalkonferenz Oberland-Ost (RKOO) and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern.