Pre-defined Purposes
Step 2: Select your purpose
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Congratulations on having defined the purpose of your engagement activity! This was an important step for being able to select the appropriate method to guide your engagement activity.
You are now being presented a selection of pre-defined purposes. Please pick the one that applies the most to your just defined purpose.
List of engagement purposes
Research & Academic Exploration
The objective is to delve deep into academic or research topics, explore hypotheses, and collaboratively contribute to the knowledge pool. Supporting researchers in applying the most appropriate methods to engage with stakeholders for e.g. data collection. How to keep stakeholders engaged without leaving the feeling of having “exploited” them by only collecting their data?
Possible Methods
Public Engagement & Outreach
Groups aim to engage with the wider public, disseminate information, raise awareness on specific topics, and drive public opinion or behavior in desired directions. How to tell the stories that are happening “on the ground”/Solutionscape level on a global level (with the aim to scale, find collaborators for systems transformation)?"