Scaling from 5000 to 100’000 bunds: Making Northern Kenya greener
We are seeing promising results of our approach in Northern Kenya: The semi-arid landscape there is turning a little greener. We are combining a known method to protect precious water and soil, semi-circular bunds, with traditional systems and our solutionscapes approach to assure long-term success.
This youth-led initiative by the Green Earth Warriors, with the Wyss Academy as catalyst and technical expertise by Justdiggit, has expanded to involve around 500 households and three local women’s groups- the Twiga Mamas, the Chui Mamas and the Naitutum Women’s group – and has scaled up from 5000 to 100’000 projected bunds within only a few months.Through our integrated monitoring and evaluation system, we can provide data on this approach for like-minded partners. Hopefully, other regions may benefit from this solution.